Viviana’s trip
Viviana’s impressions of her Navaratri in Benares:
It’s early in the morning and I’m sitting just in front of the river dimmed by the fog that make the outline of the opposite river bank just fuzzy.
It’s all very peaceful so I can think about what I’ve been seeing during these days. The builder with Ram Kirpal, the children sitting down in classes after morning prayer, Happy in the temple making malas with flowers, the painter painting kitchen red, someone else cleaning, cooking, arranging everything for Mahanisha.
With my travel mates I get into the way of washing plates and bowls of previous night havan as if this small act would mean clean and cut something even from my mind.
All in the simplest manner , without masks and poses, the only thing you are supposed to do is to be and discover yourself. With the feeling of finding roots and finally home.
I hug you all,