Pujya Maa Shri Sarveshwari Seva Sangh
In 1998 Baba Surya Dev Ramji ( Anil Baba) and Guru Baba established the association Pujya Maa Shri Sarveshwari Seva Sang with the purpose to continue offering support to the poor and the last by social work as initiated by Shri Aghoreshwar Bhagwan Ramji.
Located on the banks of the Gange river, near Baba Aghoreshwar’s Samadhi, the place has now become a point of reference for the help and assistance to the destitute.

Doctors are well-known local specialist in ophthalmology, surgery, dental surgery, paediatrics, gynaecology and naturopathy. Medical camps are seasonally carried out inside the hospital and the city, as well as in some rural areas of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. Vaccination program and family planning guidance are also carried out.
The school, “Aghoreshwar Gurukul” houses kinder garden and a primary school for a total of almost four hundred kids. The aim is to offer educational opportunities to girls who, by attending our school, have the chance to learn and grow up, something generally not given to them because destined to early wedding, as a matter of fact many of our students are girls. Students are provided with books, summer and winter clothes and daily breakfast.
After-school and recreational activities keep the children engaged and away from the street until late afternoon. Study grants are awarded to girls and boy who show interest in keeping on with the study.
More than sisty students from our primary school are now attending institutes of education and are completely sponsored by the association.
Anil Babaji personally takes care of everything with infinite devotion.